Episode 10: Car Talk

On episode 10, I discuss one of the best public radio shows of all time, Car Talk, and how it’s an awesome example of clinical reasoning. I also talk a little bit about how doctors learn to think like doctors. Dedicated to Tom Magliozzi, who recently died. I’m an internal […]

Episode 9: Laennec’s Cylinder

In the beginning of a string of podcasts about sound in medicine, Bedside Rounds goes back to the beginning, with the invention of the stethoscope by Rene Laennec. How was the stethoscope invented? What are doctors listening for when they listen to their lungs? Who was Rene Laennec? Well, learn all the […]

Episode 8: I will harm

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/i-will-harm] In Episode 8 of Bedside Rounds, we explore the mysterious world of the nocebo effect, where words can literally hurt — or kill. It’s all in the mind, right? Our story starts with one of the most interesting case reports that I’ve ever read, published in “General Hospital […]

Episode 7: The Medicine of the Empire Strikes Back

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/the-medicine-of-the-empire-strikes-back] In Episode 7, we take you to a galaxy far, far away to explore the medicine of the best Star Wars film, the Empire Strikes Back. How close are we to replicating their medical interventions? And what can Star Wars tell us about medicine back here on Earth? […]