Episode 6: The Number Needed to Treat

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/the-number-needed-to-treat] In this episode of Bedside Rounds, we discuss how risks and benefits are communicated by scientists and physicians, and why those numbers you see in advertisements and newspapers might not be the clearest way to express risk. I’m looking at a newspaper ad from 2009 for Lipitor right […]

Episode 5: Beachside Rounds

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/beachside-rounds] In Episode 5, I present Beachside Rounds, a fun activity for the whole family this summer, and a brief introduction into interesting physical exam findings. The Tetris effect, according to my expert consultant Dr. Wikipedia, occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that […]

Episode 4: Happy Birthday

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/bedside-rounds-episode-4-happy-birthday-new-england-journal-of-medicine] In Episode 4, I wish a hearty 202nd birthday to the New England Journal of Medicine, and look at how much things have changed over the centuries by looking at the 1912 and 1812 editions. #spoileralert: the answer is a LOT. 1812 was a big year. Napoleon propelled the […]

Episode 3: Dark Winter

[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/adamrodman/bedside-rounds-episode-3-dark-winter] In episode 3 of Bedside Rounds, I talk about the human triumph of small pox vaccination, and discuss the government exercise called Dark Winter which simulated a bioterrorism attack on the United States. One of the greatest victories of public health – and really, our species — has been […]