Bedside Rounds is going on hiatus

As the COVID-19 pandemic increasingly spreads across the globe, Bedside Rounds is going on hiatus. This short message explains why and gives some historical context. Stay in touch on Twitter in the upcoming months @AdamRodmanMD.  

Episode 52: The Rebuff

Over the past several centuries, the medical field has established a firm graph on the domain of the human body, with one very notable exception — the teeth. In this episode, we’re going to explore this historic split between medicine and dentistry, and the moment in history where the two […]

Winter Shorts #4: The Backlog

Did Hippocrates call consults for chest pain? Were there specialists in black bile? Where does our poetic terminology for heart and lung sounds come from? Is there a historical parallel for #MedTwitter? I’ve fallen off the bus with #AdamAnswers, so in this month’s episode I’m playing catch up with the […]

Episode 51: Hero Worship

At the end of 2019, William Osler’s legacy is stronger than ever; he has been called the “Father of Modern Medicine” and held up as the paragon of the modern physician. In this episode, I’m going to explore the historical Osler — just who was William Osler in the context […]